Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unknown Romeo and Juliet Song?

Basically this song has been playing where I work for the past 2 weeks, and after it playing a few times, I've gotten hooked on the song, the problem if when searching on google to find out who sings the song, and ironically there are people making threads that are looking for the same song themselves.

These are the lyrics that I managed to write down and remember before it went out of my head:

"and my resistance couldn't counter your touch convinced me and I can't forget that we are romeo and juliet that's what you said"

The artist is unknown at the moment, but it's a female singer with a countryish/pop beat to it.

What Ive' been looking up, the artist is NOT of the following down below:
Any male artist/singer. There are no male voices in this song. Period!
Taylor Swift
The Killers
Leona Lewis
Any other names mentioned in the screenshots below. (Cause I looked em up and they're not them.

Yet here are other people who are looking for the same song themselves (and names blacked out to hide emails/usernames), with more lyrics then I can organize and it is the same song:

oddly enough the only clue I could find is the writer/composer/etc of the song is two people by the names of Ed Roscetti and/or Brian Adler, and yet my search results on youtube and itunes end up with no results.

So if anybody could provide me with the name of the song and/or artist it would be highly appreciated! :) thanks!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wanted Pokemon Plushies

During these final months of 2010, have been leading me to try and complete my pokemon plush collection. I've been getting into Pokemon Center Pokedolls ever since my trip to epcot last summer, and been trying to collect only my favorite pokemon. Not only that I've also been trying to find some old pokemon plush toys that I couldn't get in the past, and very very rarely they have been popping up on ebay (sadly in lots) and some are rarer then others, which I doubt I'll get. I'll just mark them with a *. XP If anybody has any of these, could you please contact me if you don't any them or anything anymore, I'd pay for them XD So far these are the ones on my list:


Pokemon Center Shaymin Pokedoll (PURCHASED!)

*Pokemon Center Vaporeon Pokedoll* (PURCHASED)

*Pokemon Center Leafeon Pokedoll* (PURCHASED!)

*Pokemon Center Glaceon Pokedoll* (PURCHASED!)

*Pokemon Center Espeon Pokedoll* PURCHASED!

Pokemon Center Togekiss Pokedoll (Hopefully if still Available, I'll purchase in October) PURCHASED!

*Pokemon Center Houndour Pokedoll* (I wanna get this for my boyfriend, since his pokesona is a Houndoom, even if it is a houndour) PURCHASED! <3

These are minor things that have been available when the pokemon craze was at it's peak, minus the stunky and porygon2.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Stunky Plush

*Porygon2 PlushPlush*

This is one I have been searching for back in the days ever since. Charmeleon v.s. Paras battle playset. They were sold indivudually in 1998 as "Pokemon Playables" and their packaging had the pokemon character in a hinged see-through plastic pokeball. The pokemon inside were known to have iridescent material on different parts of their bodies depending on the pokemon (Such as their wings, belly, or on their tail, etc) They were made by the company Applause. (Partially purchased. LOOKING FOR PARAS ONLY!)

If they were indivudually they'd look like this outside of packaging:


This one has been one of my "saught afters" for quite a long time!

Taking Into Consideration Of Purchasing
As for the ones on this list, they're some of my secondary favorite pokemon, so I'm still thinking about getting them. I'm in no rush.

Pokemon Center Raikou Pokedoll

*Pokemon Center Marril Pokedoll* RECEIVED AS A GIFT!

*Pokemon Center Mismagious Pokedoll* (Purchased!)

*Pokemon Center Chatot Pokedoll* PURCHSED!

*Pokemon Playables #150: Mewtwo By Applause* (See Charmeleon vs Paras info since same rules apply for this) (PURCHASED!)

*Pokemon Battle Playset: Wartortle v.s. Cubone* (See Charmeleon vs Paras Info as same rules apply to this) Purchased!

Hasbro Pokemon Advanced Plusle Beanie (My Minun is lonely ;_; ) PURCHASED!

Banpresto Porygon-Z

(Note: None of these photos of the pokemon merchandise listed here belong to me, they belong to their respectable owners. Credit to Google, Ebay, Japanvideogames, LiveJournal, photobucket, etc for pics.)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

During Vacation and Pokemon Ranch 2

Well for summer vacation I went to South Carolina, Myrtle Beach and Orlando, Florida to disneyworld. There I went with Kioko-the-Pirate (from DA) and well, we got into a relationship ^^
Went on vacation last month from the 13th-30th of June.

Otherwise I've been busy at work, and also playing at the pokemon ranch at my days off. Here's what I got to share:

Well here are my Lucario's. I got two of them, and the shiny one seems to be a hacked one that i got off the GTS. Oddly the person who hacked this guy really tried to disguise it as an event pokemon. Eh, I still luff him anyway x3
Meh Kyogre which I nicknamed "Free Willy"
  • Well the golden magikarp can get too happy once in a while.

    • Again, these guys prove that they are still hard to get into one picture together...

      • Shiny Nidoking and Nidoqueen again with a little female Nodoran x3
        Shiny Shaymins. Only one of these guys are hacked D:

          • One of the events at the ranch which is Carousel.

            My shiny and normal Darkrais. They're all legit x3

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Down At The Pokemon Ranch

Well for a while, I have been "playing" (okay, mainly watching) the pokemon at my Pokemon ranch. My Diamond version was very full of pokemon that I wanted to train but I didn't have enough room for breeding anything... that and my 3 boxes full of Lv.100's from my sapphire (and only 7 from leafgreen) version were taking up all the room, so I decided to get this Wiiware for $10 (state tax does apply to it) I just ifgured out how to upload the pics from my wii XD;;

Well I'll just show which ones I have here:

Basically a mudkip family picture. The only normal mudkip with his eyes open was my starter on Sapphire, I never let him evolve XP So I bread him with a ditto and got my Swampert (Splash) and the female mudkip (Mudskippie).... THE SHINY ONE HAS NO SAYING IN THIS! It's a hacked shiny btw XP He just got into the family pic cause he felt like it. >>

Basically all of my shuckles XP I got the shiny one off the GTS a few months ago. What I find interesting is that there guys don't move, they just sit there straing at you... except when you drop a skunky bomb towards them, they they crawl like thwe wind.

... Normal and shiny Lati@s XP this pic was HARD to take since they hardly gather together. Sweetheart is the normal Latias, Blueheart is the normal latios, both at L.100. As for the shinies, I can't really say that my shiny Latios is a legit one, since I got him off the GTS. As for the shiny Latias though.... she's pretty much legit. I got her from ebay.

Shiny Nidoking! .... legit of course, and from ebay. though......

So that's how it is so far at the ranch... I'll have more pics up soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Comics and pokemon ramblings ahead...

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged, though I have logged in to read others. I just haven't been making any for myself. I'm back in college (whoopee...) and halfway done with my courses, and now working on the COIN Series comic.

I completed COIN2, 3 days after new years XP I started on "Probe Napped" since procrastination got to me before I could finish the script and decided to draw the panels for the episodes that I had finished typing first. I'm only up to Page 12, which is about Xeuk getting "kidnapped" by our two thieves Julie and Lewis.

Interested in the pages, go here:

Otherwise progress is going by very slowly for the comic, due to work and college, and now because the release of "Pokemon HeartGold".

Ah old memories float by when I started playing Pokemon Gold for the Game Boy Color back in 2000. I made a lot of mistakes that I don't plan to do with this remade version, like the following:

Making my starter pokemon (in this case my Meganium) my HM slave.
Having Ampharos be my only L.100 Pokemon
Not letting my starter get the most highest level on my team.
Don't let the Red Gyarados faint, and not capture it.
Not letting Lugia faint no matter how hard it is to capture.
Don't try finding the three lengendary dogs; let them come to me like Latias did.
Have Pokeballs with me at ALL times, just in case a random encounter with a shiny pokemon pops up. (lost a shiny rattata to this -_-)

plus others I cannot think of. Ah well, toodles x3